Tuesday 9 August 2011


Have you noticed I have not put my dearest today????

As in nigga what's with the silence?? Did you decide to get over n done with me coz am one of those girls??????

Well guess what butt....I listen to Daughtry too n got to have crammed all the lines...

I'm talking about 'over you'...don't get me started.mxiiii

I'm not kissing ass, so yours can't really smell that good!


Haha...there!Braap I finally get your attention:p

Wait, does that mean yo ass stinks??? *blocks nose with cotton *

Ok seriously I have missed you *moment of complete silence n virtual eye contact*

Phew....breathless...thanks love.

I quit my other job! Taraaaaaaa

Oh you didnt know about it?

Nooo chill, not the one with the flabby smoker n miss-my-hips-totally-lie...

Was that even her name?Ok u butt just refer but yeah...the first tiring one...nothing much to chat about really...I dont feel like talking about it...coz you know what???I JUST DON'T!

Ha that's me....now fully on this one, prolly I'll help flabbie to shed off abit *evil laughter*

Its been a good week, new month learning alot n mostly glad my English is getting classier n classier...you know I've been stealing words from some bitch who has a vanity blog...she's cool I guess..

So brace yo lil ass to go gugu gaga in a few months time...If I rem open the notebook lol

Oh no this I have to tell you so you don't dice evry little humor in me....ok wait for it....

When I type 'lol'...HUN I'M BOOOORED!

Since you are all quite on me.. ?N typing shitiously with a mixture of small n caps I'll just leave you to go n blow your nose!!Next time....

Carry a hunkie!!!

P.s my pal just moved in to crush with me...*awkward silence*


Her house burnt down Adrian!!!Nkt, watchu mean why???

Ok its simple...she has no house...her sis kicked her out!Can you bellieve???


Kesho baby kesho

Go blow it off...I think I feel the force its coming with *as I rush to puke at your disgust*