Wednesday 14 September 2011


My Dearest Adrian,

My love, my mind,body n soul...I LOVE YOU!OK this chat is not about love are you tasteful?I have craved for your presence, your closure, your humor, and the way your lips curve seductively when u laughing

I have missed you...whatchu mean I update you?On what my sugar?

Haha, fine you got me...ofcourse I have stuff to tell you...

So now jobo is fine, not coz I'm bumming alot, or eating extremely well, or checking out hot men....PAUSE!

I had to do that...u went silent on me, how was I to nurse my eyes, heart n keep my mind occupied??

Ati you are not jealous?????cmon, boost my ego now ah..ah *niger accent*

my day starts roughly at 8 am...after being picked by the driver to go on set...ok babe hold on to that chat....garra go somewhere

ok was on set watching the chosen ones get into their fake world...

So where were we?ooh yeah then i start salivating for breakfast...silently wishing they dont finish the bacon...which I eat only on such occasions...

The chosen ones are always talking, laughing, stroking each other's egos like a hard dic on soft brown thighs...complaining about ...oh why don't we have sausages clothes are not cool...oh am so sleepy...oh this oh that oh fuck my eyes!

At this point am sitted alone in a corner burning with envy...wanting to belong...yarning to be known and be oogled at...

I get lost in thought...too deep in fairyland whre the name is my name.I pass n everyone turns, you know the kind of girl who wakes up in pink room, with eye blinds on her eyes, switches on her ipod and shouts at the househel as she munches some swiss white chocolates..

Adrian, whats funny?????you know am just saying as a matter of fact I hate white chocuz...

Then my fantasies are interupted by the wiered chic who looks like she played hocus pocus...rem the movie with three witches n a cat?

Im not saying she is a bitch but she can be very mean...literally cut you into pieces...

Ok I know why you laughing...i stole that line from pink hahaha..eeh babes you good with lines...

This goes on n on with me filling in on any small thing that needs to be done...same shit at lunchtime...i plunge into my fairyland as they plunge into theirs...

In the evening am dropped home, puff a cigy n zone out...dreaming about their lives...lives I'd die for Adrian...they are the chosen ones...

But you are my chosen one.

Garra logout coz at this point am so emotional....


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