Saturday 30 July 2011


My Dearest Adrian,

How the hell do I type a whole chat n it disappeared like the hell?????????????????????

It just dint save n now am wount be the same aaargh

So they say imma diva???*rolls eyes* who are they again???

Right we dont give a hoooot!Haha love how you say that *h5*

Who do I think I am?

Are you on cheap asprins?

Why would you ask me this???You are to tell me who I am....n hey am not scared...Im not ready to fight, not that I cant but...its lunch time n am retyping n your nags are not helping!!*flexing muscels*

Word, we have a stalker....can you imagine he is stalking our chats??I know we said our chats are privaten FYI am not on his side just that he has a Doris somewhere who never responds to his letters...sad story n he keeps on, you should check him out...

Wait, you are on his side???

Who are you again???hold up thought we were over this gay suspecions???

Hahah gotcha...ok dear doris get the hell outta our space coz now we fighting....shoo

So now, that was your way of guilty-tripping me???

I'm one of those girls who thinks neck should be spelt as 'nake' I mean why not?N many other terms I cant get into now...

Dont worry me n her Majesty have never met!

I'm one of those girls who tickles her nini to squeez out the tiny drop of urine you know when..

Haha why is your eyebrow raised?Ofcourse you wouldnt know coz you dont have a nini...into which we need to get a name for him..proposing 'nani'

Why you laughing??Ok side bar on this..

Where were we?*scrolling up* oh when you are in a hurry...yeah

Im one of those girls who google viva la vida my goshness!

Im one of those girls whose tears are on strike permanently coz of the living conditions at the buds...they are more than ready to run all the time be it when am watching a movie, deep books, music bla bla bla...

Dont even think about it *Nora Walker's voice*

Im one of those girls who write lines from movies, books, blogs or anything in a notebook and completely forget about them the minute a dot seals the marriage...dumb huh?

Im one of those girls who eat dropped food...

Haaaaaaa, now u eeewwwwing me???

Especially the ones I've dropped...lookatchu analyzing how frequent 'especially' is..

Adrian you are so cute..

Im one of those girls who like having quality time with themselves in bed..

Well...what?..ati am psycho?

Adrian pliz, its not like you've never...

If you know where n how it tickles..why not do it yourself?

Im one of those girls who must fit in...always know wssup. Can you believe I've never watched Big Brother (any) n BBA, Iwaited for guys to tweet then I tweet like I watched...sic ...I know but there is a way. Even songs, books, movies, series...just just

Sidebar two on movies *get ready to piss in your pants*

Im one of those girls who have a FANTASTIC taste of music..

Heeee...wait there before you roll your calling eyes...I will defend myself on this..

So I pretend to like what the so called 'with it' like n only know in fact after they yupp about it...TRUE

At the end of it, Im the one who chooses what to brag about from the songs that make really its what I choose thus my taste...needless to say I've gotten lots of accolades...

Ok now I dont what am saying...some freak is calling me ati its urgent..

What could be so urgent and Obama is still alive??

N guess what *lindsay lohan's voice* he wants a fucking cig?????*awkward silence, breath in the fire n let it pass*

Im one of those girls who make shapes of with her lower lip using her fingers...totally gets me dazed and zoned out...

What now???why you laughing??

Im logging out if you'll go asked for this...rem???

Ati why am saying im one of those girls??

si coz am hoping am not the only one trying to find myself....

Arrrgh seriously will you stop laughing????

Ok, whatever flies your kite....Im logging out..*pressess button*

p.s someone just told me...smoking is a personal dialogue with yourself...Im one of those girls...the only thing I hate about this girl group :-P

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